Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Updates and format changes

Just a quick check in before I begin to post in earnest again. After a long hiatus from this blog and movie review podcast/blog I've decided to start merging my various projects under this blog. My focus will still be gaming heavy but I may post the occasional movie review.

Real excited for some of the upcoming content, GenCon 2016 gave me plenty of games to talk about. In the next day or so expect some new content.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Trying my hand at painting. Doing the xwing board got me inspired.

I'm aware this lighting and camera might not be the best for displaying this picture.

This here is my work station. 
Still drying but mostly done.

Posting again, xwing game board project

Gonna start posting here again. Still going to do gaming related material but I will start posting art and other hobbies I pick up.

What got me inspired to start doing stuff again was this xwing miniatures game board I made. Here's some photos of the journey.