Tuesday, August 8, 2017

More painting

At some point I will probably post something other than these ork squads but that is not this day. These photos are the past two nights. I only paint for about an hour or two a night before bed.

Right now the focus has been small details. Painting jewelry, rivets, and general touch ups. I'm also recoloring several units to try to add some contrasting tones.

I worry I may be moving slow for painting an army but I really want to get this first squad done with a few solid color schemes I can copy for other squads. A goal I have with this army is to have alot of variety in the orkz attire while still looking like a cohesive force.

Enjoy the photos.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

More painting progress.

Here's some updated photos of the ork boys. I have about 40 boys. Some hideous bikes I got off EBay. Also started getting some paint on a squad of Nobz I'm doing.

I tried to have a bit of variety in the clothes, weapons, and armor the boyz are wearing. I also wanted there to be something common to show some cohesion so I started doing red wristbands.

Enjoy the photoset.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Warhammer 40k Ork boys painting project

Just painting some ork boys. Haven't painted minis in awhile. Still in early stages but here is some photos of my progress. This pictures are progress on a squad of 10 ork Boyz over a few painting sessions.